16 Weeks

4 months feels like a significant amount of time. It feels longer to say 4 months then 16 weeks. A few updates:


  • Headaches. These have started to increase in frequency. I’ve talked to a few people who suggested a few things that I’m trying. One is to eat more consistently throughout the day. Another suggestion was to start taking Magnesium as a supplement. I’m going to talk to my doctor about that at the next appointment and see which type of magnesium he recommends.

  • Fatigue. Although not nearly as bad as in the first trimester, I’m still finding myself needing to take naps if I don’t get 9+ hours of sleep per night. Or if I have a bad night sleep. I’m glad I have a schedule that can accommodate for that.

  • Peeing. I’m getting up 2-3 times per night to pee. It does seem to be better if I do a good job of eating consistently throughout the day and stopping drinking by about 4 pm. The problem is that I still get thirsty after 4 pm so I have to regulate how much I allow myself to drink. I also think this is just part of being pregnant and something to et used to.

Overall I’d still say that my pregnancy symptoms are extremely mild. The food aversions are pretty much gone. I’m not really having any cravings and I’m feeling healthy and strong.

Last week Drew and I went to the thrift store to find something (which ended up being cheaper to buy new then used. go figure!). We got to looking at the book section though and found a brand new copy of “What to Expect when your Expecting”. A LLLOOONNGGG time ago a friend gave me a copy of that book and it sat unread and unused for many years on my bookshelf. Every time I looked at it it made me sad. So finally I got rid of it. Turns out that book is spendy so I was really happy to find a used copy for only $5. I started reading it today and there’s just no getting around it…the book is pure gold.

I’m still working on changing our provider, no update on that yet. This is a short post today, but I want to document each week at least a little.

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18 weeks + Ragnar Rainier


15 weeks