NK cell test

Today I got my blood drawn for the Natural Killer Cell test or NK cell test. It’s a test that I’ve wanted run for a while now and for different reasons couldn’t get a doctor to write an order for. Before we started our transfer cycle for IVF I wanted to make sure that my NK cell count wasn’t one of the things affecting us. Which led to our doctor writing the order and me going to Labcorp today. It felt like a crap ton of blood! In reality it was probably 1.5 tablespoons but that feels like a LOT when it’s coming out of your arm through a tiny needle. It will take a few days to get the results of that back. In the meantime I’m twiddling my fingers waiting…

UPDATE: I got the results back from the NK test and they were read as normal. Now normal means different things to different people. But the doctor said that the results were such that it shouldn’t interfere with the transfer. He did say during that phone call though that he’d found some infection in my uterus (from the polyp removed during egg retrieval) and he’d like both Drew and I to do a heavy round of antibiotics. The office then forgot to put the order in and we waited a week and a half to start that antibiotic cycle. ugh.


Feelings of Unworthiness


Grief isn’t a comparison game. Trauma isn’t a comparison game.