IVF STIM days 4 & 5

Yesterday was a little hectic and frankly I just didn’t feel like stopping to feel my emotions and write them down. So, I guess that tells you something about my emotions yesterday. We packed up the car in the morning and started the drive to Utah for egg retrieval. We like to break up the 11 hour drive so we stayed the night in Butte which meant it was only about 6 hours driving yesterday. We’ve stayed at this hotel in the past and thought it was fine (notice I didn’t say we liked it…it was just fine) and it’s pet friendly (yay!). Long story short, we got there, checked in, settled in and then realized that someone near us was probably chain smoking and the smoke was billowing into our room under the door that didn’t have weather stripping. By that point I was tucked into bed with my earplugs, night time medication and eye shade so it was super irritating to get up and ask for a different room. BUT i’m really glad we did. The second room was a much nicer room with two full beds (much nicer when you have a 65 lb dog as a bed mate). Drew got his own bed and Xion and I shared. I still didn’t sleep super great but it was definitely better then the smoke fest of the first room. One of the hardest things to pack was the medication. It has to be refrigerated and once a vial has been mixed they warn you not to shake it. I don’t know what happens if you do…but I didn’t want to chance it (one vial of this medication is like $800). Unfortunately it doesn’t really line up to use a full vial a day, so inevitably there is a vial of ‘leftover’ medicine to be used the next day. I taped the vial of mixed medicine to the side of the cooler so it wouldn’t get shaken around. I have no idea how to know if it did get messed up or not though.

Anyway, we made it to Utah this evening. The drive was really good overall. About 6 miles from the turn off of Hwy 15 to get to my sister in laws house it started snowing pretty good on the freeway. I would say the roads were really good other then the last little bit.

I’m happy to be in Utah. Tomorrow starts the ‘big’ week of doctors appointments every day and adding/adjusting medication.

Pictures left to right: Stim day 4 gifts from Samantha, driving to Butte, Xion insisting he needed to sit on my lap the entire drive, relaxing in our room with a face mask, slippers, candle and chocolate all from support crew, Xion getting recharged, mixing medication in the hotel room before leaving for Utah, opening post injection gifts from Kaitlan!


IVF STIM day 6


IVF - STIM day 3