The “Special season of life” stage

Over the last few days the thought has occurred to me a few times that this is a very special season of our lives. I feel all cuddly and warm like I’m wrapped in a cocoon of protection from the world. The world is hard. It’s frustrating. It’s disappointing. It’s full of people with differing opinions that need constant navigating. It requires growth and an open mind to survive. It’s a constant emotional drain. But right now, in my little world it’s different. We are being consistently fed delicious food by people who’ve signed up for the Meal Train, we have an amazing support team that will come over and clean or hold the baby or anything we need at the drop of a hat. My friend crew has shown their awesomeness by coming by to walk the dog when I can’t and replying to texts at all hours of the night, helping me navigate this new identity of mom (and boob…I’m a big boob right now). I’ve had people from past lifetimes reach out and offer their congratulations and support. We’ve received every type of gift imaginable for Ellie (seriously she has too many things now).

I’m full of gratitude to the people who have come into our lives to support us during the transition to parenthood. I’m also working through some feelings of guilt. Part of me feels like I shouldn’t be accepting all this help, that in someway I am taking advantage of people’s goodness. Another part of me knows that’s crap. I know I’m recovering from surgery, trying to run two businesses, and figuring out motherhood all at the same time. I know people WANT to come alongside us, it’s not a burden on them. I think I just have this self sufficiency idea that I should be able to manage without them. It’s a mindset I would like to adjust.


Life goes on


The “I’m pissed at my husband” stage