March 2024

The last few days have sucked. Like major sucked. It took 9 weeks but parenting is finally getting hard. Ellie has been really fussy the last few days. Combine that with a poorly planned road trip and I’m ready to run away from it all. We went to Utah for Drew to go to a NOFX concert (their farewell tour in Salt Lake). The time down there was really nice but the drive there and back…whew.

That was rough.

It was our first road trip with baby and Xion and we learned a few things the hard way. First, 12 hours in one day is too much for both the dog and the baby to be cooped up. Second, the leg room in the back seat is not nearly enough for an adults legs. I ended up riding in the back with Ellie because she was screaming and the only way she’d quiet down was if I sat next to her, held her binks in and sang to her. There were also a few uncomfortable feeding sessions of me leaning over the car seat because I didn’t want to take the time to stop. Somehow no burp cloths got packed and that was a huge mistake.

Ellie was super fussy on Saturday. Thank God for family members who were willing to hold her. There were a few times of just absolute screaming until mama (me) cuddled her. So far week 9 of life has been hard for her. She’s been off of her normal feeding and sleeping patterns. Every time I’d put her to my breast she’d just scream. She only had like 2 feedings during the day on Friday and Saturday. That had the potential to really stress me out but I kept reminding myself that babies go through hunger strikes that are usually around a big developmental leap. It sounds silly to me but I was more worried about my milk supply then her starving.

The long story short I guess is that parenting is not really meeting my expectations and I’m experiencing disappointment from that. I hope it gets better.

Road trip to Utah

Easter 2024

Random pictures from March 2024


First Time Away Overnight


Life goes on